3 Signs of Poor Indoor Air Quality in Your Pensacola Home

room with poor indoor air quality


There are a number of ways you can determine whether your Pensacola home is suffering from poor indoor air quality or not. Fortunately, many of these signs are easy enough to notice, so you won’t have to look very hard to determine if you a professional indoor air quality services is needed.

1. Do Allergies Flare Up?

Allergies don’t ever actually go away. We just take medications and make lifestyle changes so that our allergy symptoms will remain at bay. When we are exposed to elements those symptoms flare-up. One way to tell if you have poor indoor air quality is if your allergies are continuing to flare up even when spending time indoors. Luckily, sites like https://serp.co/best/nasal-cones/ sell nasal sprays which should help to open up your sinuses again, meaning if you’re still suffering allergy symptoms even after cleaning your home top to bottom, you can breathe easy.

2. Does Your Home Smell?

You are not the kind of person who suffers from allergies. Your sinuses are rock solid, and you don’t have to worry about dirty indoor air quality in that sense. How do you know if your indoor air quality is poor or not? Well, you can follow your nose. After all, poor indoor air quality often comes with a related musty smell. This smell can leave your whole home smelling a bit unpleasant and sort of dirty. To get your home back smelling fresh and clean, you need to clean up your dirty duct system. Oftentimes, foul smells can be due to a pest infestation. Dead rodents or mice can also emit foul smells that can be unpleasant. If this is the case, calling in a pest exterminating service can be wise. Nowadays, you can get hold of such firms by just searching online for them. For instance, if you are someone from Florida who needs a pest elimination service, you can google ‘FL Exterminators‘ and find many pest control firms that can help you.

3. Are You Noticing New Health Symptoms?

If you are not noticing any new unpleasant smells in your home, you may notice a number of other health problems popping up. You may start experiencing dizziness, rashes, tiredness, muscle pain, nausea and other health problems. These problems can be caused by the presence of asbestos, mold spores, and other hazards that can be in hiding in your ducts. If you begin to notice these issues, you can visit a physician but you may also need your indoor air quality specialist to come and clean your air system.

Need Your Ducts Cleaned?

Did you answer yes to these questions? If so, you need to get professional indoor air quality services today. Give Air Design a call at 202-COOL.